About Us

Rebecca Bynum, Founder of The Urantia Corps for Spiritual Progress, New English Review and Publisher of New English Review Press and Nebadon Press. She currently serves as Secretary for World Encounter Institute. She has been a close student of the Urantia Book since 1980.
email: [email protected]
phone: (615) 775-6801

Cheryl Phillips

I was raised in the First Christian Church and loved Jesus from the age of 5. When I reached high school I wanted to see what other religions were like, so I studied Buddhism & Hinduism and lots of New Age books.

In 1987 a friend told me about the Urantia book, and I was hooked. It answered all my questions and explained EVERYTHING. Then in 1989 Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on my door and I thought they would LOVE the Urantia book because they were a worldwide brotherhood and so organized and carried out a wonderful ministry, but no, it didn’t work out. Still, that training helped me in numerous ways. I have taken many classes. Some from Urantia University:

A Way of Life in the Family of God.

The Progress Project

I graduated from the School of Evangelists in 2019 from the Christ Experiment. 

I have hosted 2 book studies;

  1. Every other Weds in Part 4
  2. Every Thursday ( now in Part 3) since 2015

I also did 2 rounds of 40 days with Jesus through A Course in Miracles and host another zoom with a triad every week in that text since 2021. So, I am ready and willing to help others however I can. We are family.

What I know for sure- “The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with spiritual progress. Spiritual growth yields lasting joy, peace which passes all understanding. “(Urantia book 100:4.3)

Marti Garlow Leib

I was gifted with the gift of song as a professional songwriter/singer whose ‘spiritual message’ songs are ‘gifts’ I choose to share with my fellow man in spiritual messages as a priority. Hear some of my songs here.

Given a copy of the Urantia  Book at age 24 by my music publisher, Marijohn Wilkin (writer with co-writer Kris Kristofferson on the iconic hit gospel message song “One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus’), I experienced a ‘shockwave throughout my human body and within that fragment of God within me’ when I reached for the gift wrapped box she gave to me that spontaneously carried my memory back to the spiritual experience I had at age 4. I knew then I would dedicate my life to sharing this ‘new revelation’ to our troubled and backward world for the benefit of my fellow man and women and children.

My goal has always been to fulfill God’s Will in my lifetime to benefit my fellow man in ways that I am able, which led me to devise programs that strengthen children, family and family life… which I believe to be another of God’s ‘master plan’ for my human life experience. My HEM Club (Homework-Environment-Mentoring) program is based on Jesus’ Law of Human Fairness as recorded in the 700+ pages of the Life and Teachings of Jesus in the Urantia Book. This award-winning program has proven successful in utilizing the spiritual principles of Jesus’s teachings within a secular but spiritually productive way. Governor Jeb Bush of Florida endorsed my HEM plan and gave me a liner note for my book titled Resurrection of America- Practical Guidelines for Spiritual, Intellectual and Social Healing and Upliftment.

Tia Thompson is a devoted wife and mother who places home and family at the heart of her purpose.

She has a passion for spiritual growth and believes the Urantia Book offers profound insights into understanding the message of Jesus, the world, and our place in it.

Love identifies the volitional will of God. This will is divine truth, living love, and the highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value, and always this is to choose to do the will of God. If one mother is better to her child, if one man has become a better partner, father, brother, or friend from learning the good news, then she knows she is doing her part in supporting the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Urantia Book 159:3.8 (1766.4) “The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them. Men seek for the treasures of the kingdom with yearning hearts and weary feet when they are all within the immediate grasp of living faith. Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life.”

Tia is dedicated to promoting these teachings and helping others explore their spiritual journey with clarity and purpose, and joy.